In a series of studies done in the 1960s and 70s, researchers learned that men find women with larger pupils more attractive. Another study published in 2004 in Evolution and Human Behavior supported these findings and also showed that women were more attracted to men with medium or large sized pupils.
Even as far back as 500 years ago in Italy, women trying to attract men would put the extract of the Belladona plant into their eyes to dilate their pupils. Another sign of attraction is that flushed look on your face anytime you get up the courage to talk to someone you like. Blushing is also a result of your SNS, which causes the blood vessels in your face to dilate, increasing blood flow and giving you rosey red cheeks.
It’s more common in women than men, and although there are a few theories as to why this happens, scientists still aren’t clear on the purpose of blushing. But even if you aren’t the blushing type, your crush might still be able to tell that you like them when you speak to them. There have been numerous studies done on what happens to your voice when you are attracted to someone, and they all seem to agree that it changes… but they don’t necessarily agree on how. According to a 2014 study published in Evolution and Human Behavior, males speak in a more melodic fashion when they are talking with someone they like... almost the way you might speak to a baby… and also deepen their voice. Another study published in Nonverbal Behavior supports this, noting that both sexes had lower pitched voices when they were talking to someone they found attractive. (Tries it out) “Excuse me, young lady, you’re looking awfully nice tonight!”.
Mmm...Maybe I should work on that. In both those studies, participants looked at potential partners that they found attractive. But a study done on people in relationships had different results. Research published in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior took people in new relationships and had strangers listen in on their conversations.The strangers had to guess if the subjects were talking to platonic friends or romantic
Partners. Listeners noted that the tones people used with their partners were, quote, “more pleasant,
sexier, and reflecting greater romantic interest”. They also found that males and females changed their voice to closely match or mimic the other’s tone. Males spoke in a higher pitch, while ladies deepened their voices.It’s almost as if they were trying to come together in harmony and make sweet, sweet beautiful music.
So obviously, more research is needed to tell exactly how (and why) your voice changes when
you’re talking to a crush. Just remember that even if you’re trying play it cool, you’re still giving off physical
cues that you’re one smitten kitten. And if things get serious, remember for 100 years every kiss begins with Kay…. Once you and your crush have finally gotten past the awkward beginnings, you may be ready
for some cuddle bug time.