Got stress?
75% of adults are reporting moderate to high levels of stress in the past month there has to be a solution So what are the best scientific methods to deal with stress and anxiety? How can you genuinely relax your mind and body?
Normally people says laughter is the best medicine but does it work out?
It's also the stress medicine, when we laugh our oxygen intake increases stimulating the release of endorphins. Studies even show that simply waiting to see a funny movie can increase beta endorphin levels by 27% and Decrease stress hormone levels in the bloodstream.After a hilarious film, participants had lower levels of the stress hormone “Chromogranin A” in their saliva and while you're at the movies why not make out with someone, it decreases cortisol and increases Oxytocin from the pituitary gland in the brain creating feelings of attachment,bonding, Contentment and security, study participants who kissed their partners regularly over six weeks had lower blood cholesterol level, of course some chewing gum might help your breath
But a japanese study also found that those who chewed gum twice a day for two weeks increased their feelings of well-being, other study participants who chewed gum while being subjected to a stress inducing task also showed lower levels of cortisol in their saliva than those who didn't have gum and not because of the ingredients in the gum But simply from the Act of chewing known as mastication.
This repetitive motion is directly related to increased activity in the cerebral area of the brain and relaxation.Time spent in Nature or even a simple house plant can lower stress levels too.
In 1982 the Japanese government started a Shinrin Yoku or forced baiting campaign Promoting the benefits of spending time in the forest for this purpose.In just one short visit to the forest Cortisol levels heart rate and blood pressure have all been shown to decrease.
Even hospital patients who have a view of nature tend to have better pain tolerance and faster recovery rates compared to those who faced only a blank wall.Speaking of leaves, even though relaxation from tea may simply be a Placebo It turns out that the anticipation of a ritual linked with relaxing emotions may very well be a self-fulfilling prophecy in other words if you're mentally preparing yourself to relax with your favorite calming tea or
relaxing scented oils our brain is primed to slow down and can actually influence well-being.The amygdala in the brain is responsible for emotional control And is directly connected to our olfactory system.
Inhaling a candle scent reminiscent of a happy childhood time like warm apple pie may very well help us relive those memories Creating a better mood. Music can have a similar effect, songs with 60 to 80 beats per minute but no lyrics have been shown to reduce stress even in patients who have undergone various types of surgeries and If you can get or be near a pet, do it. Having a dog correlates to lower scores on anxiety tests. 12% compared to 21% for those without one and Being in the presence of a friendly dog has been shown to lower cortisol levels and increase Oxytocin.
Finally, some people relax and focused by using fidget spinners, the new toy craze and whether or not they actually work.